Damn Bojack… but I love you!

Dear readers,

Bojack Horseman has come to an end. Its last eight episodes were released January 31st. Is it the end of Bojack’s series, though? I wish it wasn’t, but I’m also relieved that this might the end of my favourite tv horse celebrity. See, I love Bojack because he’s a sensitive screwed-up character, who tries to make it better, but always hits rock bottom… but damn, I wish I could see more of Bojack.

I think it’s very clever how the authors have thought in managing and marketing their show by extending the character’s life of Bojack outside the tv show: his social media handles are treated just like if it was Bojack himself typing and posting the content. It makes the whole thing more genuine.

Without spoiling any juice, Bojack’s story is both a remarkable and lame one: a typical Hollywood self-centered actor, full of privileges and connections, who enters in challenging and dangerous situations all the time, without realizing right away the best ways to make out of his position. However, he’s not a basic character and his actions might find justifications in his early childhood. His parents were not the best role models a son could follow. Young Bojack’s innocence brought him far away from that first toxic environment, taking him to the mecca of the arts, Los Angeles. What has made Bojack special was his ability to meet amazing friends and getting himself into weird situations. Here he came across many people (animals too I might say, considering the cartoon’s universe) who shaped him so deeply that he could only be the “Xerox of a Xerox“, a phrase that Bojack says in order to express his constant condition of being passive among and in front of the public.

Poor Bojack. At the end of the season there are some details that I think should’ve cleared up better. As a fan of the show I thought that leaving to the viewer’s imagination what Bojack’s daughter might have thought of him, Todd’s life with his girlfriend, and just a sneak peek of Mr. Peanutbutter’s life after splitting up with Pickles would’ve been a cooler move from the writers. On the other side, Diane’s side was elaborated enough to give an idea and finally she deserved the… happy ending she needed to have.

Bojack’s future seems unsure. His pessimism brought him to many rock bottoms, but his faith in his friends leveled up his quality of life. We can say that at the end of this season he finally realized that it’s been quite a journey the one he had faced with his friends and coworkers, but it’s time to go on by yourself. The best conclusion was defined by Princess Carolyne and Judah, her husband. Yes, I’m sorry, I’ll say it: workaholic, caring, lovable, spinster, heartbroken Princess Carolyn marries a man who loves her for who she is and what she does! I loved to see it.

What I learned with this show were many things. On an extent I laughed at the movies industry in LA, which of course takes a big part of the show itself. What struck me in this show were the subtle punchlines that Bojack and other characters, like Diane and Princess Carolyn, would say to each other, especially while arguing or discussing over heavy topics. I appreciated the social activism portrayed in many episodes, specifically the issues related to sexism, feminism, and gender equality at the workplace. The mere fact that the universe of Bojack is made of both humans and animals reminded me that the real world is full of divers people, hence our natures differ a lot among each other. The addition of the animals highlights the idea of diversity, in my opinion. I think that it was a nice touch.

Ok then. Bojack Horseman wil probably stop to get in trouble now. At least he didn’t disappear… or died… or…

… you should watch this series. You can learn tons on yourself while laughing and smiling a lot. If you like dark humor, of course. And if you like messy, complicated stories, with a touch of liquor, drama, and smoke: so Bojack.


the curly flower

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